
Sunday, 8 June 2014

What do you need for play piercing...

We got a lot of questions from people who would like to try sharps play but are not sure what they need, so here is a helpful list of the essentials and some recommended extras:
The Essentials:
  • Your sterile sharps of choice (needles, scalpels, sutures, etc)
  • A sharps bin - this is a legal requirement for the safe disposal of opened sharps and is very important for reducing the risk of needle/scalpel sticks
  • Alcohol wipes (or similar disinfectant wipes) - these are to clean the skin prior to using the sharps, even if the person has just had a shower!
  • Gloves - latex or one of the many non-latex varieties, these procedure gloves are invaluable for reducing infection risk when breaking the skin as hands are very hard to clean and the gloves can be 'freshened up' with alcohol gel during the scene as well as reducing the risk of cross-contamination in the event of a needle/scalpel stick.
  • Gauze swabs or other clean (ideally sterile) wound care swabs - these are for controlling blood trickles and cleaning up the wounds after play.
Helpful Extras:
  • Clean area packs - these packs contain a sterile paper sheet that can be laid down to create a 'clean area' for your sterile play supplies, and some contain gloves and gauze swabs as well. Recommended
  • Bio-haz bags - useful for containing any contaminated swabs and wipes as well as needle cases, these can go in the general domestic waste.Recommended
  • Skin marker pen - a skin safe pen for marking out designs
  • Ribbon - for skin corsets and other designs
  • Alcohol gel - for 'freshening up' gloves during play if you need to handle something other than your sharps and the cleaned area of skin. Also good for glooping all over the recipients skin for added post-play tingle... I mean cleanliness! Recommended
Everything here can be purchased on our website,
We also do a range of starter kits and taster packs:
  • Needle Taster Pack - not yet on the website, this little pack has a handful of the essentials for a single short session to allow someone totally new to needles to see whether they like the experience or not in a safe manner.
  • Needle Starter Kit - the older sibling of our needle taster pack, this kit has a selection of needles in a range of sizes as well as the necessary safety supplies to allow for a few sessions for those just starting out with needles. It also comes with a set of instructions that will guide you through and answer questions you might have.
  • Scalpel/play cutting starter kits
  • Skin staple starter kits
  • Skin corset kits
  • We can also put together suture kits and body piercing kits.
If you have any questions or would like to enquire about an order, contact our profile on here or e-mail

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