
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Review Us for Discounts!

Hi all!
Just a quick one to let you know that we offer 10% discount codes for recommendations of our kit! It doesn’t matter how long ago you bought it – write a great review and link it to us via FetLife (@Edgeplay_co_uk) or e-mail ( or Reviews can be posted on FetBook, FetLife, the product pages on our websites, your own personal blog or website, Tumblr… it doesn’t matter! As long as we can find it and link other customers to it.
A few Ts&Cs just to keep things fair for everyone:
  • Reviews should be stand-alone posts – while we of course LOVE comments on our pictures and threads, to get 10% off codes your review needs to be a writing, article, photo-set, thread etc in it’s own right or a review on the product pages on our website.
  • Reviews should contain a link to or if being posted off-site
  • Reviews need to be of reasonable length – again, we LOVE it when you get excited about our kit and have great things to say about it even if it’s just a couple of words, but to qualify for 10% off codes the review needs to be at least a couple of paragraphs and give a good description of the item and how you’ve enjoyed using it
  • Reviews need to remain available as long as possible – we collect the reviews so that we can make them available to our customers, so in order to qualify for the 10% off codes the review needs to be in a format that we can provide a link to and stay ‘live’ online
  • We offer one 10% code per review, per order – if you place three orders and write three reviews, that’s 3 x 10% codes! If you place one order for three items and write three reviews, we’ll love you forever but that’s only one 10% code (sorry!)
  • You don’t have to own something to review it! If you had a great experience with one of our toys then get typing and claim your 10% code
So what are you waiting for? Dust off your keyboard and let us know how much you’ve enjoyed your toys!

Whipmaking - Progression and the Mark VI Bull Whip

So I have already moved the whip making forwards and started using leather shot bags and bolsters in the core of my whips, moving on from the lead weighted core I developed over the past few years.
It has been an amazingly steep learning curve, just from changing one thing.
My new leather splitter has arrived as well - who would have thought shaving off 0.25mm of leather would make so much difference to the thickness of a whip?
Now comes an even bigger learning curve…  I have been making whips “wrong” for 4 years! Well, not “wrong” exactly… read on and you’ll find out.
When I started making whips I used a ball chain core which made the whips very thin. To get a decent 16 plait I would add an extra belly to give it some bulk and taper, meaning my 16 plait whips had two plaited bellies. As I progressed onto lead weighted whips I just adjusted the strands of weight down to achieve the desired diameter and taper, giving a nice weight and feel in the hand.
So I move onto using shot bags and apply the same formula:  shot bag core, 8 plait belly, 12 plait belly, 16 plait overlay. The whips are turning out a bit chunkier than I was previously making them –  not a huge difference, just about 25mm (+/- a few mm)  in diameter but they are quite chunky, very much an American style whip.  The trouble being that if I wanted to slim down the whips a little, I’d have to make the shot bag narrower and if I did this too much, I couldn’t get the lead shot down the whip far enough to be effective, leaving me with a quandary!
Also I could never work out why it takes me so long to make a 6 footer 16 plait when other whip makers are doing them in half the time when our speeds are comparable on a 12 plait. Mystery!
After a couple of conversations with a couple of the UK’s top whipmakers, I have come to the decision I have been making them “wrong”… now when I say wrong, I mean I am doing more work than necessary. There is no need for the second belly with a 16 plait shot bag whip as there is enough weight and taper built into it,  so effectively I have been over engineering them and doing far more work than most if not all whipmakers are doing in synthetic whips with a shot bag core. This also means that comparatively I have been underselling my 16 plait work compared to the amount of work other makers are putting into theirs (about 100 foot of extra cord plaiting or 2-3 hours).
So I redesigned my 16 plait bullwhip last night and proceeded to make a single belly 16 plait 6 foot and wow! What can I say? It was a real eureka moment. Not only is the whip sleeker (about 22mm at the handle), it is more responsive and has some real life to it. My heavier ‘American Style’ whips with the two bellies are great for targeting but this is a totally different animal.
When I first started making whips someone said to me “you never stop learning”. This is just so true! You never do… you never stop learning, evolving and making a better whip, trying construction methods, trying new dimensions and materials keep trying to push the envelope.
So, this is the MKVI bullwhip 16 plait 6 foot
Thats the head scratching over with until the next time I find something I want to change/improve/modify.
Oh, and for all you lovers of big heavy American style whips, do not fear! I am not doing away with the old faithful 2 belly 16 plait. It will be available still but priced more in line with the amount of work involved in it.
- Daz

Themed Toys

This month we went a bit DC crazy and made a set of toys themed after The Joker and Harley Quinn from the Batman comics. The set includes two large floggers and two 4 foot premium snake whips, each coloured and themed after one of the characters.
Check them out!
The Joker – Flogger | Whip
Harley Quinn – Flogger | Whip
'The Joker' whip with matching flogger (available separately)
While it was a fun project, it was also a great showcase for our themed toys – we have so many leather and cord colours to choose from that we can make almost any of our toys suit a particular character, sports team, family crest… you name it! Add one of our glass conchos with a custom image for that perfect, finishing touch.
We add popular themes to our Themed Toys section – we have Dr Who, Hello Kitty, Batman and Jack Daniels, to name a few. But you don’t need to choose from just those designs! The options for our custom toys give you the flexibility to make any theme your heart desires, and if you can’t find something you want, just pop us an e-mail and we’ll see what we can do!

Whips For Beginners

We are often asked what whip we would recommend for a beginner. The huge variety of whip types, materials and lengths often puts people off taking the leap as it can seem impossibly intimidating to work out which is the right whip to start with. Not to mention it can be a costly mistake to end up with a whip that just isn’t suited to you!
So we thought we’d do a little post about our tips for those new to the world of whips:

1) Price - how much can you afford to spend and what are you getting for your money?

While it can be tempting to start off with a £12 whip from Ann Summers because it seems sensible to start with something cheap, you’ll just end up with a useless bit of kit and some poor experiences. The cheap whips that are mass produced (often from reconstituted ‘leather’ fabric or PVC) are not intended for serious impact play or fancy cracking, and they are little more than props for roleplay. They do not move or function as a true singletail whip should.
On the other end of the scale, you have the beautiful (and costly!) kangaroo hide singletails made by the world’s top whipmakers. These creations are true works of art and will give you an experience like no other, but they will also set you back several hundred of your hard earned. A costly mistake indeed if you find yourself with a whip that doesn’t suit your needs! It must also be considered that a top quality ‘roo hide whip can be very easily damaged by inexperienced hands. Many top whipmakers will actually down-sell a newbie to a cheaper whip to use while they are still learning the basics.
So what do we recommend? A mid range whip from a quality whipmaker who can provide you with a synthetic option is a route that is increasingly popular. You want a whip that will perform well and get you into good habits, but that you are not afraid to use because of it’s value. Don’t be afraid to ask around and e-mail the whipmaker to see what they would recommend, and to find out more about their whips!
Tip One: Get a mid-range whip from a professional whipmaker that you can actually talk to!

2) “Wait, what was that about synthetic options? I thought whips were made of leather?”

A synthetic whip is easier to care for than leather and you can get ‘more bang for your buck’ in the sense that you can find a great whip that flies true without the expense of premium ‘roo hide. There used to be a lot of stigma against synthetic whips – they were ‘the new kid on the block’ and many old hands found them hard to get along with. However, as the synthetic whipmaking profession gained experience and synthetic whips became more common, it is now possible to find synthetic whips of excellent quality that can rival a good ‘roo hide whip in terms of performance, and for a fraction of the price!
Synthetic whips are usually made of paracord, a form of kernmantle cord. Kernmantle means the cord has inner strands (the kern) surrounded by a woven outer sheath (the mantle). Paracord is incredibly strong and highly suited for synthetic whipmaking. There are other cords used for synthetic whipmaking, but paracord is the most common. You can read more about the paracord that we use here.
Why spend upwards of £200 on a ‘roo hide that you may well end up damaging when you can get a great starter whip in a highly durable and strong material for less than half the price?
Tip Two: Consider synthetic!

 3) Construction – what you want, and what to look out for

While the specifics of how a given whipmaker constructs their whips will vary, there are several tried and tested elements that all great whips have in common.
Firstly, the very centre of the whip is weighted. This may be done in several ways – top quality whips have what is called a ‘shot bag’ which is a tapered leather bag that is then filled with fine lead shot. Other methods include filling paracord strands with shot or steel ball bearings, using strands of leather curtain weight or using lengths of fine ball chain. Different whipmakers have different preferences depending on their skill level, the type of whips they produce and the materials they have access to.
Secondly, the weighted core is then bolstered and bound to give it stability and improve the taper and then covered in what is called a ‘belly’, which is a layer of plaiting over the core. This layer will look a lot like the outer layer of the whip and hence the term ‘a whip within a whip’. This layer of plaiting further builds out the whip and provides yet more taper, while keeping the whip flexible.
Thirdly, the overlay plait is added which is the final layer that you see on the outside of the whip. This plaiting should be tight and neat, with no obvious gaps or twisted/crossed strands. The overlay may have a fancy pattern or may be quite plain – this is purely a matter of preference. What really matters is that the plaiting is smooth and the whip tapers down in a consistent (i.e. not lumpy) way.
Finally, the whip is finished with it’s fall and cracker (if it has them), and usually some knot work for decoration.
There are several things you want to be wary of when buying a whip. Cheaper whips often have little more than some rope or rags to pad out the inside. We recently disassembled an imported leather whip from an unknown source (most likely mass produced from the look of it) and found that under the cheap leather was just string and some hessian sacking! No wonder the whip was so floppy. Speaking of floppy, you don’t want a whip that looks a bit like a dead worm! It should feel firm under the plaiting, not squishy, and shouldn’t feel as though you could crumple it up like a soggy noodle. On the other hand, it needs to be flexible enough that it will curl up in and not just poke out like a stick. And watch out for that plaiting – fancy designs aside, it is smooth and even? Are there lots of obvious gaps? Does the pattern seem to wobble about a lot or is it pleasing and consistent? If you look at the whip (or, if you can, run your hand down it), does it smoothly taper from the pommel to the cracker, or is it lumpy and seems to get thinner and then thicker and then thinner? What about the weight? Is is really light in the hand and feels flyaway? Is it so heavy it seems to wrench your arm when you throw it? A great whip is like an extension of your arm – not too light, not too heavy.
If it doesn’t look or feel right, don’t let anyone pressure you and don’t settle for a whip that seems badly weighted, lumpy and full of gaps just because it’s a bit cheaper than the competition.
Tip Three: Ask about the construction!

4) Length and type – what is the whip for?

First, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your whip. Are you interested in fancy cracking, tricks and stunts? Or do you want to explore the delights of S&M whipping?
If you want to explore fancy cracking, a handled whip is a great place to start. This would generally mean getting either a bull whip or a stock whip. For a beginner, a bull whip is probably the easier option to get to grips with. Length wise, you want something long enough that the action of the whip isn’t too sudden, but short enough that you can focus on learning the cracks rather than focusing on the quirks of a monster whip. For cracking and trick work, a lot of people start with a 6 foot bull whip. We’d recommend anything from 5-8 feet – any shorter and the action gets uncomfortably quick for learning fancy cracks, and any longer and you could end up with a very slow whip that is very intimidating to use!
For these kinds of whips, you really need access to an outdoor space or hall/warehouse to practice.
For learning to play with whips in BDSM, you are better starting with something smaller that you can use indoors and that has a little less power. A 3 or 4 foot snake or signal (no handle) is a common choice to start out, but a 4 foot bull could also work well for you. If you go too short (such as a 3 foot bull or a 2 foot snake), then you’ll end up with a whip that is a bit of a one trick pony and that doesn’t help you learn the basic cracks as well as a slightly longer whip due to how fast it needs to be thrown. A common mistake when learning to crack is trying to ‘snatch’ the whip and this is especially tempting with a short whip. A very short whip is a great thing to have in your kit bag once you’ve got the hang of the basic cracks and are confident using a whip in play.
Tip Four: Think about what you want it for!

So, which of our whips would we recommend for a beginner?

Fancy cracking and tricks – 5 foot bull whip | 6 foot bull whip | 8 foot bull whip
Ask around! Different whipmakers and experienced whip users have their own recommendations and favourites, so don’t be shy to find out what other people think.

Synthetic Fall Repairs

The fall of a whip wears out … its one of the parts of the whip under the most strain when you crack it
even more so if you havent got a cracker / popper on it
even leather whip falls wear they get on the ground hit things at supersonic speeds and generally take a heap of abuse
no matter what your fall is made out of it will degrade and need replacing over time
so here is my easy guide to running repairs on synthetic whip falls (doesnt matter if they are nylon or PET its the same for both )
so your fall should look like this when new…
its a piece of paracord half hollowed out then looped back on itself the inners stop an inch to an inch and a half before the end of the fall and that last bit is totally hollow ( or should be)
sometimes a cracker / popper comes off and you dont notice you crack the whip a few times and the end of the fall starts to fluff up like this…
not a problem snip the fluffy bits (or dont) and melt the end of the fall with a lighter and squish it flat with some pliers / grips/ fingers(if yours brave or have asbestos hands like me) anything that will flatten and melt the end together to stop it fraying any more re attach the cracker and away you go …
if you have left it a bit too long…. or you have had to melt it back a few times you can end up with you fall looking like this …
still dont panic.. now this is a little more fiddly but totally repairable
for ease of photography I have done the cord in 2 colours so you can see what is going on the inner cord (with the core still in it) is red the outer is black bear in mind on your whip both parts will be the same colour and the core will be white
what you need to do is slide back the outer layer of the paracord leaving the inner layer with the core exposed
snip off about an inch of the inner paracord and then singe the end to a nice rounded shape please be careful doing this they melt at quite high temperatures Nylon hotter than PET and they can and will catch fire so ensure there is no flame before squishing it with your fingers if you choose that way
now slide the outer cord sheath over the inner so you have an inch to an inch and a half of empty cord
I am pointing to where the inner stops
snip off the end square singe the end of the cord this time making it flat I like to have a good chunk melted as it seems to strengthen the fall from fraying
then you can attach your popper / cracker
tools required: a pair of scissors, a lighter and (optional) something to squish the hot cord like pliers or grips etc
perfectly do’able in the field
Alternatively send your whip back to me If I made it and ill change it for you FOC, all you pay is the postage to and from
Please note that this will shorten the fall of a whip and the fall will eventually need total replacement
It will make the whip feel different due to the shorter fall
Happy cracking,

New Toy Designs

Over the last couple of months we have experimented with some great new styles of flogger, whip and dragon.
Here is a run down of some of our new creations and where you can order them:

Rabbit Fur with Leather Flogger

All the decadence and sensuality of our rabbit fur floggers, but with extra thump due to the leather falls concealed within the fur. Available as custom order in a wide variety of colours.
leather and fur flogger

Hair-on-Hide Flogger

We don’t normally keep hair-on-hide leather in stock so these are very much a limited edition. We currently have one available and we can discuss custom requests via e-mail. The hair gives the flogger great ‘strokeability’ and makes for an interesting scratchy sensation when the flogger is used.

Studded Flogger

A new custom flogger option. Embellish your custom flogger with a choice of plain metal or coloured crystal studs for some extra glamour and sting!
purple rivet flogger 002 medium

Leather Wrap Dragon

We have only made one for sale so far, with a Star Trek theme. This will become available as a custom option depending on popularity. Why not let us know what you think on ourFetLife page?
leather wrap dragon tail

Woody Bull Whip

A new variant of bull whip for us, this whip features an exposed wooden handle instead of our normal plaited handle. Very ergonomic and makes for quite a striking whip!
woody 2

The Mark VI Bull Whip

After much experimentation and development, Daz launched the newest incarnation of our bull whip, the Mark VI. The Mark VI nestles between our usual 12 plait (single belly) and 16 plait (double belly) versions, and features a 16 plait overlay with a single belly (as well as some other secret developments!). It gives the option for a lighter, more responsive whip that is more akin to the Australian bull whip style. We have since expanded this option to our entire range. You can find this option on all of our premium whips now.
markvi bull whip

Double Ended Flogger

Gorgeous hardwood handle with a generous bunch of leather or suede falls at both ends, with the option to have the handle hand engraved with a unique design. Check it out here
engraved flogger 1

The Flails

A variant of our standard flogger designs. The medium flail features 10 wide cut falls in a heavy leather or suede, perfect for punishment. The large flail is the largest flogger we make, with spectacular 24 inch falls and a long handle for extra leverage. Available in a stingy or thumpy variety.
pink flail

Any new designs you’d like to see? Let us know! You can get in touch via:

Friday, 20 June 2014

Check Out Our New Checkout


Ahem! Anyway...

As part of our ongoing mission to improve the user friendliness of our sites, we've introduced a new payment option on Impact-Toys.

It is now possible to pay by credit or debit card without being taken off to PayPal, which we understand can be a confusing experience for those unfamiliar with PayPal or who don't have a PayPal account.
We have three payment options:

Card Payments (NEW!)

What you see: a seamless checkout experience that looks and feels just like the rest of Impact-Toys. No abrupt graphical changes, no wizzing off to PayPal or having to scrabble around with Internet Banking. User friendly and secure!
How it works: card details are submitted via a fully PCI compliant checkout and are sent along to Stripe, one of our secure payment gateways. Everything is fully covered by SSL security certificates and 100% legal, and we don't see or handle any of your payment details. None of your payment details are collected or stored by our server, giving you peace of mind.
pay by card


What you see: once you have entered your shipping and billing address and checked your order is ready to go, you are taken off-site to PayPal where you have the option to log into your PayPal account (if you have one) or to pay by credit/debit card. You will then be returned to our site where you will get an order confirmation. Great for those who regularly use PayPal for their on-line shopping or for those who prefer to pay by card.
How it works: PayPal are a fully secure and PCI compliant payment gateway. With a great reputation worldwide, PayPal is a user friendly and highly trusted solution to taking payments online. As with our main card payment option, we do not see or handle any of your payment details and nothing is stored on our server. The only details we handle are those necessary to complete your order and send it out to you.
pay by paypal

Direct Bank Transfer

What you see: when you checkout via our Direct Bank Transfer option, we take your shipping details and then give you our bank account details. Perfect for those who like to use internet/mobile banking.
How it works: we do not take any payment details from you and you don't have to worry about online security. Just take down our bank details and then choose how you wish to pay - over the counter at your bank, or by your trusted online or mobile banking provider.
bank transfer

Sound good?

We think so! Let us know what you think in the comments or by e-mail ( Any thoughts on other changes you'd like to see?

Please note: we plan to roll out our new card payment option across our other sites soon, but it is currently only available on Impact-Toys. You can still pay by bank transfer and PayPal (including card payments for those without a PayPal account) on Edgeplay.

(I'll probably get punished for that awful pun in the title but it was so worth it...)

Monday, 9 June 2014

Monthly Prize Draw

Join our mailing list for an immediate 10% discount coupon and entry into our monthly prize draw!

1st Place gets £25 coupon!

Which is equivalent to:

2nd place gets £15 coupon!

Which is equivalent to:

3rd place gets £5 coupon!

Which is equivalent to:

All e-mail subscribers will be automatically entered into our monthly prize draw. Please ensure that you sign up with a valid e-mail address as if you win, we will send your prize coupon to that e-mail address.

Don’t worry, we’re not going to spam you! We’ll send you a mail every so often letting you know about our newest creations and any special offers we’re running. That’s it!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Handmade BDSM and Impact Toys

Our current range of handmade impact toys

Synthetic singletail whips:

  • 12 plait snake whips, from 2 foot, prices start at £55
  • 16 plait snake whips, from 3 foot, prices start at £95
  • 12 plait bull whips, from 3 foot, prices start at £75
  • 16 plait bull whips, from 4 foot, prices start at £115
  • Hybrid bull whips, from 3 foot, prices start at £100
  • Signal hybrid whips, from 40", prices start £100
  • Coyote snake whip, 3 foot, £50


  • the monster dragon 12" handle with a ~40" lash £50
  • the large dragon 12" handle with a ~30" lash £40
  • small dragon 6" handle with a ~16" lash £25
  • mini dragon 6" handle with a ~10" lash £15

Dragon variants:

  • dragon tail - pointed lash
  • split dragon - split lash
  • dragon tongue - rounded lash


Oak handled floggers:

  • heavy weight monster flogger 12" handle, ~60 22" 10mm wide falls £70
  • heavy weight monster flogger 12" handle, ~30 22" 20mm wide falls £70
  • monster flogger 12" handle, ~40 22" 10mm wide falls £50
  • monster flogger 12" handle, ~20 22" 20mm wide falls £50
  • heavy weight large flogger 8" or 12" handle, ~60 18" 10mm wide falls £60
  • heavy weight large flogger 8" or 12" handle, ~30 18" 20mm wide falls £60
  • large flogger 8" or 12" handle, ~40 18" 10mm wide falls £40
  • large flogger 8" or 12" handle, ~20 18" 20mm wide falls £40
  • light weight large flogger 8" or 12" handle, ~20 18" 10mm wide falls £30
  • light weight large flogger 8" or 12" handle, ~10 18" 20mm wide falls £30
  • heavy weight medium flogger 6" or 8" handle, ~60 12.5" 10mm wide falls £40
  • heavy weight medium flogger 6" or 8" handle, ~30 12.5" 20mm wide falls £40
  • medium flogger 6" or 8" handle, ~40 12.5" 10mm wide falls £30
  • medium flogger 6" or 8" handle, ~20 12.5" 20mm wide falls £30
  • light weight medium flogger 6" or 8" handle, ~20 12.5" 10mm wide falls £25
  • light weight medium flogger 6" or 8" handle, ~10 12.5" 20mm wide falls £25
  • small flogger 6" handle, ~40 9" 7-10mm wide falls £25
  • small flogger 6" handle, ~20 9" 20mm wide falls £25
  • light weight small flogger 6" handle, ~20 9" 7-10mm wide falls £20
  • light weight small flogger 6" handle, ~10 9" 20mm wide falls £20

While some floggers are 'light weight' and some are 'heavy weight', these names simply indicate that the flogger has more or fewer falls than our standard floggers. Due to variations in the leather used, some 'light' floggers made with thick leather may be heavier than some standard floggers, and similarly some 'heavy' floggers made with thin leather may be lighter than some standard floggers. If you are aiming for a specific feel to a flogger (stingy, thumpy, scratchy, thuddy, etc) please contact us to discuss which of our floggers and leathers is most likely to suit you. We are now putting Sensation Ratings on our ready made stock, to help inform our customers.

Specialty floggers:

  • Nunchuck swivel floggers from £60/pair
  • Ball handle floggers from £80/pair
  • Braided floggers (see website)
  • Twisted fall flogger (see website)
  • Rabbit fur £40
  • Fluffy floggers, from £20

Optional extras:

We also have various additions/details that can be added to our toys:
  • Pointed falls ~£5 per flogger (depending on number of falls)
  • Corset detail (ball handles only) £5 per flogger
  • Wavy falls ~£5 per flogger (depending on number and length of falls)
  • Extra Spanish ring knots (ball handles, nunchucks) £5 each
  • Custom conchos (glass cabochon with image or engraved brass) from £10
  • A wide selection of optional upgrade conchos from £2.50
  • Themes (see website or message us to discuss)

Other impact toys:

  • Gorean Kurt/slave whip - 5 long, wide falls in heavy leather with a plaited handle £80
  • Devil-tail - the accursed offspring of a snake whip and a dragon, this had a flexible plaited thong with a short lash (pointed, split or rounded) £40
  • Cat - 9 long falls in heavy leather or rubber, with a semi-flexible plaited handle £50
  • Braided cat - round braided falls on a nunchuck handle, from £30
  • Leather straps - four different styles of strap, £35 each or £120 for the set

Bespoke designs

Contact us if you have a special design in mind - we love interesting projects! If we don't make what you're looking for, we'll point you in the direction of a crafter who does.


  • pick any 3 or more items and we will give you a 10% discount (please contact us before ordering)
  • sets can be custom ordered or picked from our current stock selection
  • matched pairs count as 1 item.
  • Sets listed on our website already have 10% deducted from the price!

We have a wide range of leathers and suedes, as well as silicone, rubber and latex. If you can't find what you're looking for on the website, get in touch!
Cost may vary if we need to get in a specific colour or type of material, or if the number or length of falls varies significantly from our normal range.
Oak handles can be plaited in any of the colours from our paracord range in any of the plaiting styles we do (see picture gallery)
And don't forget if you want something shorter, longer, heavier or lighter we can customise your toy to suit you.
We are now putting Sensation Ratings on our ready made stock, to help inform our customers of how the toy may feel.
We ship worldwide (prices exclude shipping). Check here for currency conversion.
Daz & Az